2013: A Year Full of Firsts For the Leingang Family


Christmas Blog Instructions

This year we did so many things that it would be impossible to tell you about each one in this Christmas blog. So instead of boring you with ALL the details, we included a link to some blog posts in some of the “letters”. If you are interested in seeing more pictures or hearing more details of our “adventures”, just click on the word or words that are highlighted in blue or green.

Hope you enjoy the ABCs of 2009 at the Leingangs’…

A- Annual Convention

2009 was a big year for the Annual CLBA Convention. This year we voted to approve a whole new constitution for the synod and people came out in droves. Of course it was fun to be back in Fergus and see all our friends! With the new constitution, 2010 will be the last annual convention in Fergus. Starting in 2011, they will be only every other year. I don’t know if I can go that long without seeing everyone, one year seems long enough… :o(

convention 07 Chris and I at Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Ekelunds 02

seminary party at the Ekelunds

B- Backpacking

We haven’t been backpacking in a couple of years and decided to go again this summer. My sister Theresa also hadn’t gone in a few years and wanted to tag along. So we all loaded up into the van and headed up to our favorite spot in the Bull of the Woods Wilderness. About 15 miles from the trailhead, the road was closed. So then it was on to Plan B, which we didn’t have. Plan B ended up being a nice little trail right along the Clackamas River. Our camp was right on the water and very private, the weather was ideal and we found a beautiful little waterfall to explore on a day hike! To see all the pics check out our backpacking posts, #2 and #3.

backpacking Clackamas 42

backpacking Clackamas 55


C- Confirmation

Andy was confirmed this year in June. What a joy and blessing to see what God has been doing in his life this year and to see him publically confirm his faith. We wonder what God has in store for Andy next… May God continue to richly bless and guide him in the future!

Andy confirmation 01

Andy confirmation 16

D- Deep Creek

Over the summer our family got to enjoy my parents’ property down on Deep Creek. Dad has gone to lots of work and it is a great place to cool off on a hot summer day. We are looking forward to spending more time there this summer. Maybe with our trailer???

Deep Creek 07

Deep Creek 05

E- Easter

We had a wonderful Easter this year in celebration of our Savior’s resurrection! The boys and I played with the praise team, we had a yummy Easter breakfast at church and an egg hunt for the kids. And of course we had our tradition of “egg day”, when we decorate our Easter eggs and make jello eggs for Easter dinner.

Easter 18 egg day 14


F- Friday School

We love our homeschool co-op! I think our favorite classes (both for me to teach and the boys to take) were WWI this fall and the Dangerous Class for Boys in both the spring and the fall. In Dangerous Class men from the community came in to teach the boys about all sorts of different subjects like chess, astronomy, Mt St Helens, woodworking, knives & knots, military, cooking, fishing, canoeing, soccer, bicycle safety, fencing, self defense, government, auto maintenance, electricity, and archery. It was a really fun class!

fencing 09 fencing class

woodworking class  01

woodworking class

G- Garden

I have wanted a garden for such a long time and this year I finally decided to do it. Our friends, Kevin and Megan, came over with their beast of a tiller to help me break up the ground and get it started. God blessed us with a very fruitful crop that gave us more fresh produce than I could have imagined for the few plants we started with! It also provided us with a very full freezer, learning to can and beautiful shelves (that Chris made for me) to hold it all.

Big garden 01

house shuffle 14

H- Hawaii

William turned 12 this year, which meant it was his turn to take a big trip with Grandpa and Grandma. Will has always wanted to go to the rainforest, so they decided that Hawaii was probably as close as they could get. So the three of them left the cold and snowy PNW for warm and sunny Hawaii for two weeks of tropical bliss. To see just some of the MANY gorgeous pictures they took, check out Remembering Hawaii

Hawaii  05

Hawaii  37


I- Ignition

This summer Zack, Andy and their friend Ian started a band to play at the Bible Camp talent show called Ignition. You have to check out their ROCKIN' performance !

They also added a few more members this fall and play special music at our homeschool co-op.

co-op youth band 02 Pres Nite band 01

I have to admit, it’s pretty fun to be a “band mom”! We’re pretty proud of our rock stars! :o)

J- Justin & Melissa

Not only were we privileged to hear Justin speak at our Leadership Retreat in March, but we had so much fun spending time with them before they headed back to Alaska! Justin and Levi spent the day with my parents and Melissa and I headed to Salem to see our friend Emily and her son Elias. We all had a wonderful time! I wish we didn’t have to live so far away from one another. :o(

42 STEP Retreat  27 Elias, Emily, Melissa & Me

43 STEP Retreat  28

Melissa, Levi & Justin

K- Kids (Stella & Lily)

This year two sweet little girls made their appearance in the world. Our niece Stella Catherine was born in April. She is such a combination of both Maggie and Charlie.mothers day 11 

Lily Marie was born at the end of January and is already walking! It’s so fun to have more babies at church! Lily is the baby sister of our godson JD and the daughter of our youth leaders at church. And I think she looks just like her big brother! :o)

Lily's shower  16


L- Leadership Retreat

Every year Chris and I look forward to the PNW CLBA Leadership Retreat in Cannon Beach. And this year was so special because our friend Justin Vold was the main speaker. It was even more special because he even brought his wife along with him! It was so fun to hear what God had to say to us through Justin and His Word and to hang out with so many of our dearest friends and co-laborers in the Lord! The whole weekend was such a blessing!

06 STEP Retreat  36

22 STEP Retreat  07

M- Marriage Rally

With the direction our country is headed we decided this year we would finally take a stand and get involved in a little bit of politics. Washington state had a measure on the ballot this fall to legally redefine marriage. So when we heard about the rally to oppose this referendum, we were there… and we brought friends. There were over 60 people there to take a stand for marriage and families! Although it passed, we were excited to teach our boys about standing up for what is right. And the boys and their friends were excited, too! My friend’s daughter told me that she hadn’t had so much fun since her birthday. :o)

R71 rally 08 R71 rally 04

N- Newsboys at the Washington State Fair

We love the Newsboys! So when we found out that they were playing at the WA state fair, we had to go. We took the day off of school and work and headed to Puyallup. We spent the day looking at animals, plants, rides, games, crafts, collections and people. We also got to eat some unique deep-fried stuff! Then that evening we enjoyed a Newsboys/DC Talk concert thanks to the addition of Michael Tait. They ROCKED and we had a fantastic time!!! Check out our day at the Western Washington State Fair

WA state fair 07

WA state fair 39


O- Office

After 4 years of having his “office” in the furnace “room”, I decided that Chris needed a real office more than our teenage sons needed a toy room. So it was good-bye toy room and hello office/guestroom. It took quite a bit of shuffling and a big pile of stuff for the co-op free table, but it’s all done. To see the move step-by-step check out the whole shuffle on our blog.

house shuffle 11old office

house shuffle 01 

new office

P- Praise Team

We have new additions to our church’s praise team this year: Carrie, Zack, and Andy. I sing and play the piano (which I haven’t done in about 17+ years and is not like riding a bike), Zack plays the guitar, and Andy plays the drums. Andy just got his drums for his birthday in January and was already playing in the co-op worship band 6 weeks later! He really has a gift! Like Zack, he taught himself to play and is really good at it. Both the boys are terrific and I am working hard to try to be as good and to play with them. It’s slow work but is paying off. We’re getting better and it is so fun to get to praise the Lord every Sunday! If you want to hear us play, come to any worship service at our church at 11:00am. Here are the directions :o) We’d love to see ya there!

Easter 11

Easter 17

Q- Quilts

Q is a hard letter to do! But thankfully I still love to quilt and even had time to make a few this year. These are two of my favorites.

One was for our godson’s new baby sister Lily who was born in January. She is so sweet and we had fun throwing her and her mommy a frog-themed baby shower 

frog quilt done  01 The second one is one I made for our friend Kari who was married this year. We didn’t get to go to the wedding but I was so privileged that she had a shower in Fergus while we were there for Convention. The picnic quilt turned out so cute and seemed perfect for their new “lake house”!

Karis picnic quilt 02


R- Ropes Course

This year at Bible Camp all the Leingang men went on the high ropes course. It was a pretty big deal because Will has been afraid of heights his whole life. I think Mom was more nervous than he was. But they had lots of encouragement from their friends on the ground! They all did great and Mom was so proud that I bought them all commemorative t-shirts! You have to see the pics at High Ropes Course Day 1, High Ropes with Will & Chris

high ropes Dad Zack & Will 23  He did it!

high ropes shirts 01

the guys in their shirts by the ropes course

S- Spelunking

We went to Ape Caves for the first time this summer with our friends from Greater Grace in Portland and our church. There were all kinds of cool places to explore, rocks to traverse and walls to climb. The kids all ran ahead (I don’t know how they went so fast) and left us old folks behind. To see more of our spelunking adventures go to Ape Caves

Ape Caves 08

Ape Caves 13

T- Trailer

Now that the boys are old enough to sleep in their own tent, Chris and I decided to invest in a little travel trailer. It’s so much easier to head out in a moment’s notice when everything’s already all packed. Just throw in some food and clothes and you’re ready to go! Well, at least that’s the idea… She needs some work, but we’re hoping to have her up and fully operational by spring! To see the progress so far go to trailer tour , fun with trailers , curtains

Bible camp 09 02

trailer 09


U- Under Liberty

This year the boys had the opportunity to be in a movie that was written, directed, crewed, acted, edited, scored by kids all under 18 (mostly all homeschooled). Their friend Danny is a talented film maker and they had a great time doing it! It even premiered at a movie theatre here in town this summer! They did a great job! The movie isn’t out yet but you can see the trailer on You Tube or our blogs at Fort Stevens , Camo , Rough Cut premier

poster pose rough cut show  01

V- Valentine’s Dinner

The youth group hosted another Valentine’s Dinner at church this year. We learned a lot from the year before and it went much better this time. Next year will be even better yet… It was an even more special night because Will came home from his trip that night! If you’re thinking about coming next year, check out all the details at Valentine's Dinner

Valentine's dinner  01

Will's back  04

W- Walker Island

This year the boys and I did another week of boat-in camping on Walker Island in the Columbia River. And like every year of camping on the river, we had another adventure. The scariest adventure yet!!!But this year we drug our friends and family into it… For the most part the weather was beautiful, we had a great time and we are very thankful we (and all our stuff) made it back safely. If the suspense is killing you, read Camping Day 1 , Day 2, Day 3 , The Adventure

River camp day 1 01River camp day 2 13


X- X-tra Hot

Last year for Christmas we got tickets for Creation 2009 at the Gorge in George, WA. And as usual, it was HOT! About 110 degrees hot! Despite the fact that it was fairly miserable heat and Andy ended up at the hospital thanks to dehydration, we all had an incredible time! There were tons of great bands, but Skillet totally “rocked our faces off!!!” More pics at : Creation Fest 2009

Creation 2009 07

Creation 2009 21

Y- Youth Group Great Escape

In August our whole family got to go on the youth group’s camping trip to San Juan Island. Chris and I were chaperones and all the boys went as youth group members. Are they really all that old already??? We had a great time and are looking forward to next year’s Great Escape! More pictures at Days 1 & 2 , Day 3 , Day 4 , Day 5

Great Escape 09 12playing Ultimate Frisbee, their favorite game

Great Escape 09 66