2013: A Year Full of Firsts For the Leingang Family


Sister Day

On the first Thursday of the month, Chris gets together with the other South-end pastors for lunch. So the boys and I started going with him and spending the day in Portland. Then I began spending the day with my sisters, having lunch and doing fun things together. And Sister Day was born…

We have done all kinds of stuff on Sister Day! We’ve eaten at some great restaurants, shopped at some hip little shops, dug through Goodwill rejects at The Bins, gone sight seeing in Oregon City and experienced other cultures. I LOVE my sisters!!!

bday tea 07 First trip to The Bins

sister day 03

Pho soup. Yum!!!

OC sisters day 15

Theresa and I rode the Oregon City elevator

OC sisters day 02

Ada is checking out the good deals while waiting for lunch

OC sisters day 17

Bob’s Red Mill has the best bulk food section!

more Sister Day 01

Trying to keep cool in the shade while waiting for our waffles

more Sister Day 03

The wall of herbs!!!

the bins 01

Treats from the Russian market

1 comment:

Jim and Marilyn said...

Pho soup has become one of my favorites also since moving to SoCal. (I work with a Vietnamese girl so we love it when she takes us with her to eat at her favorite places, YUM!)